Email Verified Identity Verified Ahmed Mohamed
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Member since October 14, 2021
Profile health 90%

Reporting Media News and live video coverage for the upcoming event.

  • $60.00 - $250.00 / hr
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Reporting Media News and live video coverage for the upcoming event.Reporting Media News and live video coverage for the upcoming event.Reporting Media News and live video coverage for the upcoming event.Reporting Media News and live video coverage for the upcoming event.Reporting Media News and live video coverage for the upcoming event.


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Media Services

Client Feedback

Email Verified Identity Verified Ahmed A

Silviculture Professor

  • Project LevelMedium Level
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  • June 18, 2020
    • How was my proffesional behaviour?
    • How was my quality of work?
    • Was I focused to deadline?
    • Was it worth it having my services?

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